Certified Alternative Healing Practitioner, Specializing in Intuitive & Energy Healing, & Hypnosis
60-90 minute private session
Release unwanted habits
Quiet pain
Reduce stress
Better understanding of yourself
Connect your mind & body
Freedom from limitations
Live your best life
Listening is the foundation of my energy reset approach. Let me help you discover how to overcome your fears and live the life you deserve.
It all starts by learning how to focus on what you want.
Next, you’ll reflect on what may be blocking you, and learn how to overcome these obstacles.
The last step? We learn how to continually refine what we’ve learned. Think of this as your new beginning.
Meet Leatha
I have always been an observer of human behavior. It started when I was very
young. I noticed it first in grade school, then High school and also when working in
various local businesses in the area where I grew up. I observed that human behavior is
interesting, sometimes fascinating, confusing, and scary. It begs the question, what makes
people “tick”?
In 1984 I found myself in the family business...WOW!...there are some things in that
situation to observe, even to participate in. During that time I had flexibility to explore my
delayed education. Instead of business degrees, which for the position I was in would have
been appropriate, and even probably helpful, and make sense, I went for degrees in
Anthropology and Philosophy, my elective classes. On weekends, I studied Hypnosis. I
was no doubt guided to continue pursuing the answer to the question what makes people
Soon, the Hypnosis won out. It took me to many places in the US to meet many great
and diverse teachers. I was finally learning ways to help people figure things out for
themselves and together we continue to pursue questions about human behavior and how
we can and do have so much power and potential to be exactly who we want to be. How do
we want to live our lives? We learn together and from each other.
Along the way, after many years, I was introduced to body workers and energy
workers. Again...WOW!...Energy healing and it's many forms and modalities make sense
too! I have studied and continue to do so, Reiki, and the many types of Energy Medicine
available for healing and self care with and for my clients. It all makes so much sense
because of how it weaves beautifully with what we are already doing. The Medical
Intuition, which I also studied in pursuit of what makes us “tick” guides us to what our
body, mind and spirit wants and needs to help us live the lives we deserve.
From Observer to Practitioner I am guiding clients through these healing modalities. It
is what I do. Just WOW!